We work to understand people in context. We use empirical data to bring the shopper’s story to life and provide actionable recommendations. We spend time in the real world, with real people, in real situations. By better understanding people, we help design spaces and experiences that are more efficient, productive and enjoyable.
Our research methods focus on providing attitudinal and behavioral data from consumers in the real world. We customize our methods-mix and design research tools specific to each client’s goals and objectives.
First-Person Observation
Using a proprietary approach, researchers record detailed visitor behavior. Standard metrics such as time in store or section, conversion rates, product interaction and associate engagement can be supplemented and customized for any environment.
Intercept Surveys
Customers can be intercepted at specific points in the in-store journey or to complete a brief survey about their experience. Typical surveys include questions about perceptions and satisfaction, staff interactions, and message recall.
Shop-Alongs & In-Depth Interviews
A semi-structured discussion between Envirosell moderators and participants provides unfiltered feedback. This methodology is designed for a deep dive into pain points and all components of the experience. Interviews provide a rich way to bring the voice of the customer to life for both internal and external audiences. Interviews can target real shoppers on real shopping trips or be pre-recruited for specific segments.
On-site Eye-Tracking
Envirosell is one of the pioneers of wearable Eye-tracking research in retail spaces, and we have extensive experience interpreting and visualizing this information. Eye-tracking documents the journey and everything the visitor sees from their point of view. Eye-tracking footage is viewed in real time by Envirosell technicians, and follow-up interviews can be guided by observed viewing behavior.
Virtual/Remote Eye-Tracking
Virtual Eye-Tracking provides an agile approach to concept, packaging, and message testing and provides another approach to analyzing online shopping journeys. Studies are conducted through computer or mobile devices and use built-in cameras to record eye movement.
Web-Alongs / Remote In-Depth Interviews
Web-Alongs are conducted through participants' computers or mobile devices and provide rich qualitative insights into online shopping behavior throughout the path to purchase (P2P). This tool allows us to overlay qualitative discussions with real time recordings of participants' screens, including navigation behavior through the website.
Competitive Landscape Analysis (CLA)
CLA provides an assessment of competitor brands and environments along key topics relevant to your brand. CLA helps identify areas of relative strength or weakness and provides inspiration for what's next.
Customer Experience Analysis (CXA)
CXA provides an in-depth assessment of each customer touchpoint and opportunities for improvement, including merchandising, messaging, layout, operations. This often includes walkthroughs with insights teams to understand challenges, brainstorm next steps, and iterate designs. This nimble and cost-effective approach proves valuable when decision timelines are limited, or primary research is not an option.
Staff and Expert Interviews
Our researchers facilitate open and honest discussions that allow for greater insights into topics that may be hard to capture internally. Learning from the people who spend the most time in your space is a critical step in identifying unmet needs and operational pain points.
Ethnographic Diaries
This approach engages participants to document their thoughts, behaviors, and interactions and provides rich qualitative insights. By capturing authentic, real-world scenarios, we gain a deeper understanding of consumer needs, preferences, and pain points. Diaries are conducted over several weeks or months depending on the objectives. The voice of the consumer is brought to life through first-person documentation and targeted activities.
Social Media Listening
Collectively, we have documented our feelings and perceptions of brands and ideas via social media. Social media listening tools monitor conversations, hashtags, and keywords across platforms, providing valuable insights into brand sentiment, trends, and more.
Crowd-Sourced Audits
Participants are given a specific mission to visit, photograph and assess a store or experience. Missions can be geo-fenced to target specific locations and markets. These audits provide a quick assessment of realities and opportunities across retail fleets and in-store activations.
Shopping Constructs
We think about the experience from the customer’s point of view.
These constructs are part of both the physical and digital shopping pathways and serve as a rubric to evaluate any environment.

First Impressions

Inspiration & Spark

Wow & Impact Moments


Assistance & Interaction

Product Examination Behaviors

Dwell Time

Pathway and Flow

Point of Recognition

Information Architecture